This weekend I finally got the chance to go Antiquing with my parents. I was so excited to be able to find some 50's- 60's dresses that fit tolerably well. (Which is why you won't be seeing them yet... they, or I need work before they look good) Not to mention the two new hats that I adore!
But the best thing in my opinion is these!
Mom found a grab bag full of these little gems!
Vintage wave clips!
I'm sorry for all the exclamation points, but I just couldn't, and can't, hold in my excitement. I couldn't wait to reset my hair and try these little babies out. My First attempt, pictured here, I simply sprayed it heavy, and they immediately fell back out... :/
So these are meant for wet sets only.

No giving up though! I tried again, with just one side, Dampening it first.
And guess what? Voila! Perfection!
They're rather severe for a marcel, any tips on taming them down?
Be that as it may, they'll be perfect for 20's- 30's finger waves!
Can't wait to give them a try!