Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Springy Leaf Pile

Well I kept the boys last week for about an hour. To keep them busy, I decided to give them a fun job that would make their Daddy proud to see them do.

I saw an errant leaf pile that instantly captured my attention.

So we walked around back and grabbed my garden rakes and I gave them one command. Make it bigger!

Once they did, I yelled now JUMP!

Thay had an absolute blast! enjoy the pics!!

Oh! Ps. I've run across a VERY good read. I'm not a parent yet, but a mennonite family that, well six or seven years ago, had twelve or thirteen kids, Gave my mom these child care books.

I picked them up recently on a lark and I have enjoyed them immensely!! They're called "No Greater Joy" By Mike and Debi Pearl. They tell it like it is, and though there's some points that society's oppinion made me balk at, when I do get married and have children, I'll refer to their books for advice.

So I hope everyone's days are good!


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Maybe We're the Ones Who Have to Prove Ourselves to Him

Peter: You've seen him. I wish he'd just given me some sort of proof.

Lucy: Maybe we're the ones that need to prove ourselves to him.

~The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian

My Dearest Friends,

I've decided to do a bit of "Testimonyizing" Today, mostly because of what has occurred on this rainy Tuesday morning.

To start off, I'll go back to the beginning. You could say I've been a Christian all my life. I was born into a Christian family and went to church for the first time when I was about three days old. I then went to a little Christian school up until tenth grade, when I was homeschooled. But that's beside the point. I "Got saved" when I was six. I repeated the preacher's prayer in Chapel one day. And looking back, maybe I did get saved that day, because I've known and loved Jesus Christ ever since. But when I was ten I was going through some troubles with a friend, Fighting back and forth. My teacher at the time was also a pastor on the weekends, (Christian school and all) So I decided the best thing to do would be to "Get saved" So once again I said a prayer, and went around to all my old teachers telling them what I had done. Needless to say my friend troubles didn't get better.

But once again, that's beside the point. Even though I graduated last spring, I started getting in with my Church youth at Christmas. Somewhere between being around them, and our Sunday school teacher, and going on some youth trips, I truly got saved. I'm not sure when or how, but my relationship with Christ has become so great and powerful since then.

I'm still working on it, I assure you. Like any other Teenager, reading my Bible has been just about the last thing on my mind. I've always said "If he has something to say he's powerful enough to tell me some other way" But truly, I think I just didn't know where to start.

Now here's where my Narnia Quote comes in. Sunday, our Teacher decided to give us a challenge. Read your Bible. Three minutes a day. Choose a verse. or two. "You spend more time than that on the computer every night," he said. He told us to get up a little earlier, go to bed a little later, but choose some time every day to read.

Well as I sat in service later that morning, I was flipping through our "Lifeway" Sunday school book and found that it has little "Daily readings" in the back. Excited, I showed it around. And I fully intended to do it, And text or call everyone when I did (since our teacher told us to be each other's accountability partners.)

Now, here's where the bad teenage Meggie comes in. Yesterday (Monday) Mom and I had some errands to run. I sat out in the garden, mindlessly pulling little weeds, until about noon, when we set off. We had to go to Wal-mart to get a new phone card, for our Straight talk, phone.. We had a great time, stopped by the library so I could talk to you wonderful people a little. I got some new books, and home we came. We got in not fifteen minutes before my dad came in from work. So we ate supper and gathered around the TV as usual.

I was excited, because one of the books I got was full of beautiful Victorian home floor plans. Now, I've had a spot planned out for my future home for years (My family has twenty some odd acres...) And this house would just fit, add a few rooms, take away others, And now I'm decorating my new non-existent home... And putting my non-existent husband and kids in it and planning a life and.... and.... and... Dreaming is what I was doing.

Well this morning I got up and the first words mom said were, "Did you put the new minutes into the phone." One word (And excuse me but this one called for it)


So I rushed down, grabbed the card, dialed the number.... aaaand.... It wouldn't go through. The phone had already been cut off. So I went down to borrow our neighbor's (aka Dad's employee... the boys' dad) phone, Called the number and selected "Add minutes/ air time" Instead of "Activate or reactivate" So even now I'm not sure if it worked and we have a phone. So I'm upset and crying by this point, And mom's trying to appease with promises of "Well we'll just get another card" and "We'll call Wal-mart" (You know how mothers do)

But nothing worked. I still felt miserable. So to block it out I picked up the book I'm reading, Which just so happens to be "A Daily Rate" By Christian author "Grace Livingston Hill" In this book a girl and her aunt take over a basically third class boarding house and are making it over with a good scrubbing and the Love of Jesus Christ. Well I've just passed a point where Celia, The main character has asked one of the girls living there to join her "Bible band" And read a verse every day. (Ironic right) Not until I read that Mamie (The other girl) Sits up and cries "Lands alive How could I forget on the first night!"

Once again... I nearly started bawling...

No wonder I forgot the phone card! How could I remember something that big when I can't even remember to simply read-God's-word.

So, needless to say I picked it up immediately. The verses were in second Corinthians 5. Verses 5- 15 was yesterdays and today's.

I still can't believe I forgot.

But now my eyes are open and I pray I never will again!

I find my eyes being opened a lot lately. Being new to a full relationship with Christ, things become very obvious to me. "Why believe?" Some say, "Because it's so much easier to let go of worries and let Him have them", I reply.

How do you know he exists? Look above. God has just given me a huge lesson in responsibility and I KNOW who gave it to me. Same as when I have a song or a word on my heart and am unable to sing it or say it, and someone else does. (That happens a lot!)

The how and the why are simply revealed to me as I go along. I've always known, but knowing and understanding are two different things.

Now I understand.

Comments greatly appreciated


PS, I wrote this right after it happened, I now know the phone is on and working. :D

Monday, April 19, 2010

A Not So Secret Garden

Hello, chicadees! 

This is Lady Weaver from Wanderlust Requiem. I told Brain my plan to commandeer Meggie's blog would work... *evil laughter resonates in the background*

Alright, I'm not really evil... and I'm just joking about taking over the world blog. However, I am standing in for Meggie - with permission of course - in her absence from a computer. I have a few days worth of posts, and I am looking forward to passing them along to you!

Enough of that! Let's get on to her "letters:"


My dearest bloggers!

Oh! to tell you what all I have been doing this last week!

 Thomi (the gender confused cat - ask Lady Weaver to explain this comment to you) in the garden.

Okay so I can sum it all up in one word, Gardening!!

I wish what all I had done would show in pictures! but alas it is mostly underground yet... behind my house is a modest amount of open space. About six years ago I planted a rosemary plant and a Lavender plant. Both were about six inches tall. The lavender is now about nine inches and the lavender is about eighteen inches. I went out there about a week and a half ago and they were about to be overtaken by honeysuckle! (I thought it was wild strawberry, but Dad assures me it's honesuckle) So I started pulling, and I began to yank, then a few days later I got a handsaw and started on the two foot tall pine trees that were also taking over. I was about to run out of things to pull, and I was really getting tired, when I thought of something. My mom had planted Daffodils all over the place, and she had planted six by a rock behind the house. That rock is now surrounded by a gay youth of trees. The Dafodils were still there, but not getting near enough sun to bloom. 'Why not replant them?' I thought. Well six has turned into about thirty-six. I only have half of them done, and I need another softening rain to finish.

 My hyacinths.

But, as I was planting, Marmee and I were talking and began thinking of something I could plant in between them that would bloom just after the daffodills went away. Lillys, she said and Lilly-of-the-valley I concurred. ;D So later when we went to Wal-mart I saw they had two pretty pink Lilly-of-the-Valleys for $5. A little too expensive for that day, but then I looked up, they had eight white ones for the same price! So Home they came along with a packet of assorted wildflowers.

This is the part where I back up just a bit to say about a month ago, I bought two packets of herbs, Sage and Thyme, to start indoors in ice cube trays, (Ingenius idea by the way) The sage is doing very well, I have about five that are flourishing in a big pot. The thyme all ran out of water and died while I was in Kentucky, sadly. So, To catch up, when I planted my lillies the other day, I made another little plot for my thyme.

 Time for a Thyme bed. (This is where you smack Lady Weaver for her silly and slightly awkward puns)

Whew lots of work! Done you say? Oh no! Today, we went back to Wal-mart and Marmee let me come home with my two precious Pink lillies! And! A package of Forget-me-nots! And this afternoon, in the ground they went!

I must brag a bit and say what good the sunshine is doing for me! (not to mention the 'SON'shine. ;D) I feel Livlier than I have in years, and there's not a moment I feel as if I don't have to be outside. Whether I'm sitting in a chair reading, sitting on the ground pulling up little bits of roots and shoots, or doing something active and useful, there's barely been a moment I haven't been out there.


Pepper Root nestled beside my garden.

Anyone else enjoying the fruits of their gardens yet? We're working on getting a vegetable garden going next week. (dances excitedly)
Please comment! I would love to hear from you!

Until then!
God Bless!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Oh, I Could Write a Sonnet!

Okay, so once I told you that my aunt made a mistake and ordered me the Sense and Sensibility 1910's tea gown instead of the 1914 afternoon dress for my Biltmore trip. She let me keep the first one, she said as a late Birthday presant. I hadn't had a chance to use it until now.

My local Wal-mart has recnetly downsized it's fabric department. *Sniffle* but it's okay, I got a great deal and they're putting in a JoAnnes across the road. Anyways the great deal was this really pretty latice and blue flowered print fabric. A little over a doller a yard! So I came home with four! One yard went into two very pretty pillow-cases for my bed, and he rest went into my Easter Dress. There is a small crocheted lace around the cuffs and it has a dark blue herringbone stitch to attach the lace and across the insert. It also has handmade eyelets in the back and is laced with a light blue ribbon.

I love it!! It's very comfy! And it's the first long dress I've been able to wear out in public!! *Uber excited!*

If you buy the pattern, I do reccomend using a Larger size on the bodice. maybe not the insert, but the rest, at least on me, was a little bit tight.

Other than that, I completely reccomend it!!

My Grandpa! Isn't he the sweetest! When I came out in my hat, he said "Wait! I have one too!" And he was so cool when I jokingly handed him my parasol! Hehe. :D

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Last Weeks Fort Business

The last day we were at the fort we got the second floor completely up. there's not much to tell, it went up much the same as the last level, but a bit more diffucult. the last two logs dad hooked to the truck with a rope to pull them up. (haha very authentic right?) but by the end of the day, we were all exhausted, sweaty, hot, and tired, and were begging to go home. So home we went. And into my garden I went and stayed. (notes on that in the next post) :D

Dad went up this week without us, Mom and I had a bit of unfinished business here. Two days ago, I was going to go get my Driver's licence. (I know.. I'm slow) But found out I had to have an appointment, so we're going next Wednesday. Anyways, after that we were going to go to the Titanic Museum. We did. :D Lady Weaver, her Sister, My cousin, My Aunt, and I, went and had an absolutely Amazing time!!! But that's information for another post... once Miss Lady sends me the pictures, *wink nudge*

But anyways, these may all be postdated, so bear with me. They'll also be letters from home, posted by the dear Lady-Weaver.
Anyways folks I bid you adiue!!
Until next we meet!
God Bless!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

He is Risen! Easter Greetings

He is not here for he is risen as he said. Matthew 28:6a

My dearest friends, I come to you on this Glorious Easter day to wish you and absolutely wonderful day! As you read this I will be standing outside my Church in my new dress, watching the sun rise as the Son also rose.

But today, my friends, is not about the new dress, nor the sunrise, but about what I said next the "SONrise"

He rose from the dead on this day nearly two thousand years ago, but, unlike political views, this message still holds. He Died so we wouldn't have to.

Well I'll go, there's family to attend to so I won't make a long message. but I'll end on this note

And while they looked stedfastly toward heaven as He went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel;

Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, whichis taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go.

Jesus went to prepare a place for us, ALL of us and we are to go about our work until he returns.

So go on about your work, your day. Enjoy the cake! Love the eggs! And I will see you soon. and if I don't return? Look for me at Jesus' feet. :D

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Two Fort Stories

Well the second story is headed up quite nicely.

I got tenderly pink out in my modern t-shirt yesterday so today I went out in all my civil war finery again.

It's getting more and more diffucult to get the logs where they go. they're heavier and bigger now and each layer up the slide poles get that much steeper. but they've not got that many more to do.

Then it's on to the roof and the chinking.

This afternoon though we had a bit of a grand time, one of the ladies with the historical society picked my mother and I up and took us on a tour of their little town. So many beautiful old homes! and churches! Sadly no pictures as we stayed in the car, but maybe I can talk her into letting me get some next week. One was a wonderful old civil war era home and I'd love to bring out the hoopskirt and get some nice photos!

But anyways sprinkled throughout this entry are pictures from today.