Thursday, April 15, 2010

Last Weeks Fort Business

The last day we were at the fort we got the second floor completely up. there's not much to tell, it went up much the same as the last level, but a bit more diffucult. the last two logs dad hooked to the truck with a rope to pull them up. (haha very authentic right?) but by the end of the day, we were all exhausted, sweaty, hot, and tired, and were begging to go home. So home we went. And into my garden I went and stayed. (notes on that in the next post) :D

Dad went up this week without us, Mom and I had a bit of unfinished business here. Two days ago, I was going to go get my Driver's licence. (I know.. I'm slow) But found out I had to have an appointment, so we're going next Wednesday. Anyways, after that we were going to go to the Titanic Museum. We did. :D Lady Weaver, her Sister, My cousin, My Aunt, and I, went and had an absolutely Amazing time!!! But that's information for another post... once Miss Lady sends me the pictures, *wink nudge*

But anyways, these may all be postdated, so bear with me. They'll also be letters from home, posted by the dear Lady-Weaver.
Anyways folks I bid you adiue!!
Until next we meet!
God Bless!