Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Pregnancy is no big deal anymore. (Sometimes a girl just has to rant)

Okay so, I've had this written for a while and I just HAVE to post it. This happened on the 19th so excuse some of the date references. This is still pretty heavy on my heart so please comment and discuss!

Pregnancy is not what it used to be. The breaking news of teens these days is that it's as easy as if they had bought it at Wal-mart.


Why is it that people seem to think it doesn't matter?

"Who cares?" they think, "Mommy will take care of it, and Daddy will pay for it, just like they did that puppy that followed me home from school that time in the third grade. Poor scruffy may he rest in peace."

And guess what? That's what happens. Twelve months later, grandma is holding a three month old baby while Mama parties to celebrate her sixteenth birthday. Not to mention she then brings home a new boyfriend

"Hey mom, This is Joey, he's twenty-five, We're getting married and he's gonna adopt little freddy and care for him like his own son. Not to mention the others there are going to be"

This is an ABOMINATION to girls like me. Few and far between as we may be. Stick together girls! It's sooooo much more worth it to wait on GOD'S TIME. Because then you get the WHOLE package; Love, Family, Eternity, And finally GOD'S APPROVAL!

Okay so the reason I'm saying this.. And I probably should have talked about it earlier, is, My best friend growing up, is two weeks away from delivery. We became friends when we were about five, but we started drifting apart in middle school. I was at my Christian school, where I thankfully learned a lot of my ideals, morals, and Bible vereses to go with them, but she was at a public school.

It's just disturbing to me. We used to dream as little girls, marriage, husband, babies, but it always went in the right order. At least it did for me, I don't know about her.

She had medical problems that they said may not allow her to carry a child full term, and she used to cry and tell me she didn't just want a baby she wanted the experience of pregnancy, feeling a life growing inside her.

So I attributed it to that. She wanted that experience and she got it. Well she wouldn't talk to me, I found out about it in march, second hand from one of her HIGHSCHOOL classmates. I continued to try to talk to her, Phone calls, letters, emails, text, facebook. No deal. I think at most I got three sentances out of her on Facebook.

Anyhoo, two weeks ago I got an Invite to her BABY SHOWER. I decided to go all out. Set aside my Morals for a time and let her know I still loved her. At one time she was a Civil war re-enactor, so I got Simplicity 2457 And with a little editing made a boy's baby gown, pleanty of pintucks, and lots of ribbons. It took all I could give during those two weeks to get it done.

Now I'm not saying I was trying to bribe her, just give her a little Christian Love. I could have turned away and not done anything, but we grew up like sisters, and I still loved her.

Saturday Mom call first thing to get directions, and she was very happy and bubbly, "Oh yes, I graduated Highschool, with honors" Talking about everything like it was nothing.

Well because of a storm and our lack of good directions, we got there about thirty minutes early. I Expected to see her glowing. This was exactly what she wanted, a beautiful baby boy due in less than two weeks.

Not really.

Short shorts and a low cut tank top stretched across her "Shelf" as she called it.

All I can say is she was no longer the happy bubbly shy and quiet girl I had grown up with... She was in the league of unwed pregnant teenagers. And she looked it. Deep in her eyes, she must have known.

But seriously?? What would convince one to give up the dream? Okay and not only the dream, but GOD'S reality!

In the end, I plan to wait. God has someone for me and he'll be exactly what I need. THEN come the Babies.

Thank you God for making me who I am! Thank you for giving me wonderful CHRISTIAN Parents and an amazing CHRISTIAN education. And thank you for teaching me what was RIGHT in YOUR eyes!

Love you all! (Give lots of advise!)


Psalms 27:5

PS. Anyone know where I could get a good purity ring? Not nessecarilly expensive. It's more like baptism, to tell the world my views than me taking a vow. That vow has been here a long time.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

40's style

So Saturday I went to forever 21 will Lady weaver. "This time" I said, "I'm not leaving without something" Bad policy I know, but it's just so far away I can't get there easily.

But Don't worry, I spent $7.00. I bought my first bow headband. A deep silky blue.

Weeeell I just so happen to have a deep silky blue dress. That got me thinking. Lets do something different. Let's go 40's!!!

So I pin curled and Victory Rolled, then Red lipsticked and Viole!!!

A 40's style for church, which everyone loved. ;D
Love and Hugs!

Monday, June 28, 2010

50 days to a Proverbs 31 woman

Well I decided Last night that if I'm to become who I want to be (A good wife and mother someday) I need to start right now!
I also heard recently that it take fifty times of doing something to make it a habit.
So yesterday I decided to take fifty day and begin training myself for the houselife to come. I started of yesterday gathering ides and praying about it all, and For inspiration I opened my Bible to Proverbs 31. I'm going to print it and post it all over the house for my benifit. So whenever I feel like giving up I'll look at that and trudge on.
I started today with a bang.. as all projects go. I jumped up, made my bed, put on cleaning clothes, hung out the laundry for mom, and vacuumed her bedroom floor.

I intended to clean my room as wel for a start, but I had to go into town to return some movies and get groceries.
Anyhoo. I also found out, (Excitement of all excitements) I have unlimted internet on my phone! So once I get it activated I can at least talk to you wonderful folk a little. I've been catchin up on the blogs I follow until I could get here to activate my account.
I know.. I'm rambling... but I'm trying to do several things at once.
So I'm going to ask you to be my accountability partners. I'm going to post every day, or almost every day and tell you what I'm up to. And if I don't I want you to be on my case as much as possible. Make sure I do this. And join in if you like!! Just comment here and then link back to this post from your blog. (This is impromtu so forgive me)

Also I have a few fashion posts I'm going to get up for the next few days, so be on the lookout for them.
...Still rambling. There's just so much on my mind and I don't know how to get it out.
In a nut shell? Fifty days, doing as much housework and homemaking as I can. Then hopefully it will be a lifelong pattern. :D

Much love and Hugs!!

Vintage ads from Google images

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader - Trailer 1 - 1...

Zomgosh Zomgosh Zomgosh!





play it again


Friday, June 11, 2010

Anne Fashion week

Well Don't you hate it when your dad goes to Kentucky with the camera? And you have pictures on it you want to post really bad??


Well I do...

Luckily! I Discovered Miss Ashley over at Bramblewood fashion, is hosting an "Anne of Green Gables" Fashion week at her blog starting on the 11 of July.

I've decided to join in as much as I can... I'm too excited about it to be left out!

So click on the pictutre, Head on over, Join in, or watch all of us who do!


Saturday, June 5, 2010

American Honey Summer

Now you've seen my clothes, Here's some of my Favorite Music!

I'm getting more into basic classical and old style early 20th century music.

But my long-time friend and love has always been country!

And my favorite band is (As you may have guessed)

Lady Antebellum!

So in Honour of Summer, Here's a little tune that has become my theme for the season!

Here's American Honey by Lady Antebellum!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

There's Nothing Like New


Seems like ages since I've had a good shopping trip! And I guess it has been, the last one was the last time I went school shopping three years ago.

Anyways! I thought I'd show of one of my new outfits and as I wear them, update you on the others.

First off though, a bit about my fashion style. If I had to put it in a category it would be, Classy, old fashioned, and country. And sometimes a bit medieval.

Today, I'm a bit more modern. My shopping trip yesterday was mostly for jeans. I'm a dress person, but sometimes I like to be a bit more slouchy in a good old fashioned pair of jeans. I searched, store after store, for my country style bot cut jeans. Nothing...I finally find a fade style I liked... aaaand they're skinny jeans.. So I cam home dejected and dissapointed... with one shirt. No doubt I loved the one shirt and thanked God for it!

But then my Aunt let me go back out before we went to my uncle's to say goodbye to my cousins (Who flew down to florida first thing this morning for a summer in florida with their mom.)

Two words- Rue 21.

Two more- big sale!!

Nearly everything in the store was under a 50% off sign or a $6- $3. And guess what? Two wonderful pairs of jeand under that %50! Then a really pretty dress to wear to awedding this weekend, and a new t-shirt.

Today I'm wearing one pair of jeans and the T-shirt.

It's a printed T. I usually don't wear black for any reason, but this one I loved!

*Reads back* okay I'm babbling... and about a T-shirt too. ;D But hey I'm a girl.. it happens!

Anyways, moving on! A bit of other fashion. On Sunday I try to be "Classy" Simply pretty. And different. So I'll add a hat or a slightly modernized old pattern. I've decided to start showing you some of them. This is what I wore this Sunday.

It's a little revealing for my tastes. I debated over a sweater until the last minute, then regretted my decision against it. But People loved it!

The dress was thrifted, the belt came from belk last winter, The hair flover came from Cato and the necklace was off a thrifted shirt. (Though I'm sure you could find something similar at Forever 21)

Anyways! More as I get them!

I Hope you are all enjoying your summer!!

I sure am so far!

God Bless!


PS. I had a little fun on Picnik, can you tell?