Sunday, January 23, 2011

Dad's Birthday

On the 11 of this month, my Dad turned the ripe old age of 62. :D

mmm steak.. men are so easy to please, eh?
we were pleasantly snowed in, so we made the best of it with some steaks we had in the freezer, and I scrounged up enought butter and eggs to make a pie. :D My first reall pie as it were.

(Actually.. I had to use lard.. for lack of butter... animal activists don't hurt me! My mom used to make soap...)

Birthday boy cutting his pie. :D

I made the pie out of Spelt flour since my dad is Gluten intolerant. (Spelt has a lot less gluten than regular wheat flour) and my mom had bought some great big red apples maybe a week before upon my request. (Don't ask me what kind they were....)

I think I'll just let you enjoy the pictures, since there's not much else to say on the subject, we had a wonderfully pleasant day, and I think my Dad really enjoyed it. :D

mmmmm pie.....

impromptu family photo

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Wonderfully old

An older lady at the Church was going through some of her 90+ yo mother's things. She must be trying to clear out some things because she brought me a whole bag full of vintage jewelry and hats and lace!!!

I only got pictures of some of the jewelry, a few select favourites. On opening the locket pictured below, I noticed a makers mark.

Now I've seen my fair share of "Antique's Roadshow" so I decided on a lark to google it. (The name was clearly printed as well as part of the mark)
I went down the list until the mark appeared and guess what??? It was dated 1945!!
I was so excited! So I jumped on the others to see if there was a mark printed on them.

This one did, it was the same company, so I figured to find a close date.

The mark was placed only two above on the list from where I found the one above.

My jaw dropped.

I showed my dad the mark on the necklace, then showed him the picture on the phone. He confirmed it, they were identical.

Can you take a wild guess at the date??


Can you imagine? I'm wearing (Athough fake costume jewelry) a necklace that some fashionable lady bought in 1919!!! The others weren't near as remarkable as these two, but I thought I'd share them anyways. :D

I'm still in shock, and I found all this out over a week ago!

Enjoy the pics!!


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Out With the Old, In With the New

Well I hope ya'll are having a WONDERFUL new year so far!!

As for me, mine is great!

You see I only set Two resolutions, and those were to make my bed every day and keep my room tidy, and to read my page in "My Upmost For His Highest" Every day, and guess what?? I've gone 20 days and stuck with it! I'm so proud of myself, usually I have NO drive and my resolutions never stick, not even this long. But it was like it was already a habbit when I started, This time there was no margin for error in my mind, I was NOT going to quit, and I haven't :D

As I mentioned earlier I got to ring in the new year with my Wonderful best friend "Lady Weaver" okay well sort of... She had to take me home at 11:30... but still!!

We had an absolutely WONDERFUL weekend at "The Our Generation Summit" It was so nice to have a weekend surrounded by Christian people who truly had a drive for God!
If you are in Tennessee around New Years I HIGHLY encourage you to participate! Keep an eye on this post I'm going to have Lady Weaver Find some of the Video and some links on it and add them to this post. They Videoed everything... I just can't find it...

But anyways... I didn't feel right taking any pictures... so I got some of Miss Weaver and I afterwards. We went out to eat at a restraunt in Pigeon forge called "The Partrige and Pear" And here's pictures of it. :D
And it was raining so... yes... Weaver is wet...


Tata for now!
From Avonlea_Dreamer
And Lady Weaver