Sunday, May 30, 2010

A sewing Adventure.

okay so this has been a while ago, but I was just looking through my pictures and came across these and thought I'd share.

I Went to Lady Weaver's, who is a total Lolita fanatic (As in Japanese way of dress) so I got all dolled up in semi- loli.

We then proceeded to Hobby- lobby to buy some material for a dress she was making. I even found some trim for the skirt I was wearing. :D

Then she came to my house the next night after a trip to "Forever 21" (Where we were nearly shooed out for taking a picture in the store.... )
hehe our one piccy in the store. :D

After an hour of pure sniffling, we had to go get some benadryl for Lady Weaver, who was allergic to my cat. And because neither of us wanted to get dressed again... we went in pj's...
But anyways, enjoy the pictures!!!
(Yes.. she's folding my laundry... )

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Home cooking endevours

Well There are a few things to catch you up on.

#1 Wild Strawberries!!!!!
There's a whole bunch of them at the end of my drive, sweet and pure and natural! So I went out a few times and picked as many as I could find. I then pureed them and they are in the freezer awaiting any strawberry recipes that you have to suggest. (By the by, please suggest something I could do with this. The only thing I have is adding them to frosting to put on a cookie)

My second endeavour is Noodles. My dad is allergic to wheat (Aka gluten) so I get the opportunity to home-make all kinds of things for him.

For this recipe I used Rice flour. I thought it would be soft and fluffy, and better for noodles. Wrong...

This recipe called for Xantham gum (Actually guar gum... whatever that is.... ;D ) Well I didn't have any, so I added an egg. (this recipe was in an "Allergy free" Cookbook so it didn't call for an egg) Anyhoo. We were terrified of them not staying together. So we let them dry as long as possible and tested two or three. They stuck! I was ecstatic!

So the next night I Carefully put together a spaghetti sauce, (Poured a jar of it over mushrooms and browned hamburger) and put some water on to boil. When dad got home, I poured the whole lot into the boiling water, and went upstairs with them to wait for them to cook.

When I cam down, low and behold! They were still together....

Stuck together in a giant wad... The bits and pieces that had come apart, had fused all the noodles together into one big globby mess...

Bless my father, he ate a plate of it with a smile on his weary face... (I never expected him too) And we served it the next night as normal with a pan of rice.

Needless to say, next time... I'm using spelt...

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Perfect Day (Lady Antebellum)

Okay so the only way to describe this week would be by playing the song "Perfect day" by Lady Antebellum.

My Mom's Aunt and her dayghter (who's only a few years older than me) Came out for a few days this week from Nashville. I haven't seen my cousin Hallie since we were in middle and Elementary school. So This was a wonderful time to catch up and realize that I'm not alone in those silly little habits that no one else has...

My and Hallie's Bedroom

Cousin Katelynne and her friend Sarah

Haha no, we had an absolute blast. The first night they stayed at my house becuse it's closer to the interstate. It was a nice time to catch up, just me and Hallie before all the rest of the family glomped her. ;D In that time we got through maybe six years of boyfriends, school, life... aaaaand she trained my dog... (She's in lawyer training but she's a total Animal person... she snaps and they listen)

My new vintage suitcase on the deck Check out that view!!!

Aaanyways. The next afternoon we went up to a cabin my uncle is staying at in the mountains. And might I say and awesomely BEAUTIFUL Cabin! Where we played pool, lounged in the hot tub, ate a fantastic meal my uncle cooked on the grill, Played music, and basically had an amazing time!

I also got to hang out with my younger cousins (Ten and twelve I think) Who are going to florida to stay with their mom for the summer...

Cousin Alex in the hottub and ON the rafters (little monkey)

...Um I'm not sure what else to say... there are a lot of pictures, not alot of time to post... and definately not enought words to describe it all. So enjoy the pics! :D

Katelynne scrolling Chords for me

Whole clan

Oh! Also, I'm sitting in our amazing new library! Check out this pic I took from my Webcam just now!!!

Friday, May 14, 2010

A Rosy Bible Cover.

I'm very proud of this, as it's my first experience with fusable interfacing. I also used some kind of adhesive between the layers, just for a bit more strength.

It's a Bible cover! I often wondered, while losing pens and Sunday School books, why I didn't just make a Bible cover.

Well a few weeks ago I gave it a try. The outside has a line from "The Secret garden" Why you ask? Well hold on I'll get to that. It reads "Where you tend a rose, a Thistle Cannot grow" And on the bottom left it has a reference to Phillipians 4:8, which reads, "Finally, Brethren, Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if tere be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." In short, my message with it is, think on the good things, and bad thoughts can't occur. Keep your mind on God and no one or no thing can turn you from him.


ps. It's being modeled by the Lovely Elsie Dinsmore from the "A Life of Faith" Collection.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass it's about learning to dance in the rain!

My Dear Bloggers... I've neglected you... Actually we've just not been into town, plus my Little Library has been closed for two weeks. "Why?" you ask. They're opening a new and improve HUGE (lets say that again) HUGE!!! Three story new one!! *Dances for absolute joy* So anyways, here I am at Lady Weaver's for her Birthday. (She turned

nineteen yesterday.) I'm having a blast! She had no idea I was coming. Her sister called me yesterday morning to ask me to come and surprise her. And Lady Weaver is supposedly "Unsurprisable" It was lovely to see her face when I came out of her sister's bedroom, casually asking what time supper was. (RC Cola in hand) :D

(you can see my hat that I was holding over the camera. It was dripping afterward!!)

But anyways, today I'm sitting here in my PJ's updating you on my life a bit.

Spring cleaning has been most of it. My mom and I have stayed home while my dad finishes this bit of the fort. I got up last week deciding on cleaning my room and then the library, (or more appropriately "The-room-next-to-mine-that's-covered-in-shelves-from-Y2K-waiting-to-be-filled-with-books) And then on to the catch all desk in the kitchen that my dad had asked me to clean. But when I walked into my mom's room she looked at me sadly, looked around her cluttered bedroom and said pitifully, "Help?" (Yes... that's how it happened....)

So for the next two days we cleaned, and scrubbed and vacuumed, and mostly organized. Then we moved down to the kitchen desk. Both are now spotless. :D

But anyways, here is what was my next "Letter from home" It was written about a month ago, So I'm not sure of the exact date. I just couldn't pass up telling you this little bit of spontaneous fun!


Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass it's about learning to dance in the rain!

Hehe, our one big April rain shower was last Thursday, it stormed for about five minutes, poured blindingly for about three more and showered pleasantly all day. Well during the big gully washer, I decided to enjoy myself, took a few pictures and got blessedly and gloriously SOAKED!!!

Have a blessed day!!
