On the 11 of this month, my Dad turned the ripe old age of 62. :D
we were pleasantly snowed in, so we made the best of it with some steaks we had in the freezer, and I scrounged up enought butter and eggs to make a pie. :D My first reall pie as it were.
(Actually.. I had to use lard.. for lack of butter... animal activists don't hurt me! My mom used to make soap...)
I made the pie out of Spelt flour since my dad is Gluten intolerant. (Spelt has a lot less gluten than regular wheat flour) and my mom had bought some great big red apples maybe a week before upon my request. (Don't ask me what kind they were....)
I think I'll just let you enjoy the pictures, since there's not much else to say on the subject, we had a wonderfully pleasant day, and I think my Dad really enjoyed it. :D
impromptu family photo