I recently discovered Chelsea Moon through Alyssa's Blog, and fell madly in love with the sound!
I've listened to all her songs over and over, and hopefully will buy the CD soon.
Have a listen for yourself! She's got that great Country twang, a hint of blue grass, but also a crisp clear voice and great harmony! Not to mention, the fact that she's singing my favourite hymns. :D ("I need thee every hour", and "What a friend" are really good too!)
Secondly, things are really crazy here right now, a gargantuan effort of spring cleaning is underway.
I'm completely astonished at what God is doing in our lives right now. People that we have had huge troubles with for the past few years have quite suddenly thrown fits and walked away! I can't say it's been easy, but just knowing that it's God's doing has made us all just sit back with our mouths open.
And then it's good riddance to bad rubbish, and replace it with the good. In a few weeks our lives are going to change decidedly (and hopefully) for the better, but until then, it will be a rather large effort to get to that point.
So, you'll have to excuse me if I don't post as much, sewing and such have been on the back burner. But once all of this is over, I hope to be back in full swing and maybe double time. :D
So until then!
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The past few days I have been watching "The 1900's House" (One of the ones where they drop Idiots in) Episode 1 starts above.
So the first thing they did upon finishing the house was to call in the "Saftey experts" I was expecting the usual was going to be a problem, the "ancient" gass lines, the coal fires, washing ringer, but no. You wanna know what they had a problem with? The (Dun, dun DUN) "Cut throat" razor!! And! The Rag rugs posed a TRIPPING HAZARD!!!
I was astonished! So... you fall... Just don't do it with the razor in your hand...
But today's episode (I'm in part 13-14 maybe. I'm not sure what episode) Was all about "Lets complain about corsets"
The woman of the house seems to be a nice lady, but I guess she couldn't find enough to complain about, having just hired a maid-of-all-work to do the chores... So we had a "Devilry of Corsets" Lesson.
Here's my take on the matter, Having delved into the world of Historical costuming, I was, and probably for the same reasons, a bit nervous about corsetry. But as you may know, recently I took the plunge.
Though my corset is about 10-15 years later, it's still a corset. My personal experience was that, yes, it does take some getting used to, just like a new Bra would. But after that, I found it to be quite comfortable!
So, no, I haven't tried any of the truly "Cinching" Corsets, but any costumer will tell you the same thing.
One thing they showed was a diagram of how tight fitting corsets could re-align the ribs and internal organs. And I imagine they could!
The above picture is what scares people to death about corsetry, so lets take a closer look.
In my opinion, just like today, there were women who did all kinds of unhealthy things in search of "Beauty."
But I also imagine that there were a lot more women who were sensible and to compare times This:
Would be looked upon much like This is today:
So here we are, Yes, the Edwardians had some very strange ideas, but so do we. Are they that much different?
Here we have an example of what I think is a true, every day, Corseted Edwardian.
She doesn't look uncomfortable, or out of breath, or ill.
She just looks normal, modest, and comfortable.
So in essence, there is no need to be afraid of Corsetry as an uncomfortable, unhealthy item.
Well, in my opinion. :D
I began surfing etsy for 1930's and 40's patterns and finally landed on this one at Mrs. Hudson's Sewing Room.
I then began surfing fabric sites. No matter how many times I try, sometimes I just can't get good fabric in local stores... They specialize in Quilting fabrics, and I just can't ever get it right.
Well this time I think I got it. A Red and white polka dot seersucker from Joann.com .
It matched the pattern so beautifully, but I was scared of the 100% poly... Well it was on sale for $3 a yard, I thought , 'Hey, what's the harm'
Well it's perfect! Soft and flowy, and I just think it'll be a joy to work with.
I'll udate soon!
I recently decided that my hope chest was in need of a complete tea set. So I set to browsing. This is the one I have ordered what do you think?
Upon the arrival of the majority of the set, I was extremely distressed to find that one of the cups was in pieces.
Now, I don't care what kind of system they had, but one broken cup, and they sent me a whole new set of six cup and saucers! So now I have 11! What a blessing to someone who hopes for a houseful of children someday!
Thanks for reading!
Free background from VintageMadeForYou
Friday, May 25, 2012
Monday, May 14, 2012
A Daily Dose of Rediculousness
The past few days I have been watching "The 1900's House" (One of the ones where they drop Idiots in) Episode 1 starts above.
So the first thing they did upon finishing the house was to call in the "Saftey experts" I was expecting the usual was going to be a problem, the "ancient" gass lines, the coal fires, washing ringer, but no. You wanna know what they had a problem with? The (Dun, dun DUN) "Cut throat" razor!! And! The Rag rugs posed a TRIPPING HAZARD!!!
I was astonished! So... you fall... Just don't do it with the razor in your hand...
But today's episode (I'm in part 13-14 maybe. I'm not sure what episode) Was all about "Lets complain about corsets"
The woman of the house seems to be a nice lady, but I guess she couldn't find enough to complain about, having just hired a maid-of-all-work to do the chores... So we had a "Devilry of Corsets" Lesson.
Here's my take on the matter, Having delved into the world of Historical costuming, I was, and probably for the same reasons, a bit nervous about corsetry. But as you may know, recently I took the plunge.
Though my corset is about 10-15 years later, it's still a corset. My personal experience was that, yes, it does take some getting used to, just like a new Bra would. But after that, I found it to be quite comfortable!
So, no, I haven't tried any of the truly "Cinching" Corsets, but any costumer will tell you the same thing.
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The above picture is what scares people to death about corsetry, so lets take a closer look.
In my opinion, just like today, there were women who did all kinds of unhealthy things in search of "Beauty."
But I also imagine that there were a lot more women who were sensible and to compare times This:
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Would be looked upon much like This is today:
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Here we have an example of what I think is a true, every day, Corseted Edwardian.
She doesn't look uncomfortable, or out of breath, or ill.
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So in essence, there is no need to be afraid of Corsetry as an uncomfortable, unhealthy item.
Well, in my opinion. :D
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Polka Dot Splendour, Beginnings
Well, I'm ready to set out on a new project. As summer approaches, I've realized I need some cooler dresses.
I began surfing etsy for 1930's and 40's patterns and finally landed on this one at Mrs. Hudson's Sewing Room.
I just couldn't pass it up!
I then began surfing fabric sites. No matter how many times I try, sometimes I just can't get good fabric in local stores... They specialize in Quilting fabrics, and I just can't ever get it right.
Well this time I think I got it. A Red and white polka dot seersucker from Joann.com .
It matched the pattern so beautifully, but I was scared of the 100% poly... Well it was on sale for $3 a yard, I thought , 'Hey, what's the harm'
Well it's perfect! Soft and flowy, and I just think it'll be a joy to work with.
Ps, Do pop over to Sahd, We're back up and running, and have some delightful new contributors, not to mention a new website and FB page! Ta!
New Dress,
polka dot splendour,
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Hope Chest Buys
The English Tea Store has a lovely selection of... well everything, from pots, to sets, to Tea-for-ones, and not to mention all kinds of tea, and cakes and, British brand foods and candies. :D
I recently decided that my hope chest was in need of a complete tea set. So I set to browsing. This is the one I have ordered what do you think?
I wanted to brag on this store a little bit. They were extremely kind in calling to let me know that the sugar and creamer were on back order.
Mom called them immediately. The person she talked to was SO sweet! No unkind or curt words, and even took the time to make small talk while she waited for information.
All in all, it wasn't to expensive, especially since I got a second set of cups! I'm thinking of buying a second pot, to go with it. :D
As a question to my Titus 2s, what should I start looking for household wise now? I have two sets of (Serves 6?) dishes, so I should be good there . But what was something you wished you had bought before hand?
Thanks for reading!

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