Well it seems I have missed Anne week.... *Cries*
I have been putting together posts and getting ready, but just couldn't get near the internet...
So here I am! At the library.. finally, but with no time to post them all... I will though!
Here's a sneak preview.
Anyways, life is going along loverly!
Our youth has decided to host another "Old timer's day" at the end of August. Well that set my mind Reeling! At first I wanted a new Edwardian dress, but instead (and to save on doing that AND this) I chose to do a Civil war dress, and do it as authentically as possible. I had already contacted the lovely folk at the Sense and Sensibility pattern forum about Simplicity 7212 which I own, but after deliberation decided to go wit their suggestion of Simplicity 4551 I ordered my material from Abraham's lady, the "Pink-red Rose" (it came today!!! yays!!), and well now I'm here to order the pattern.
And Marmee's waiting so I better get back to it.
Love and huggs!!!!
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