Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Looking for Pen Friends!!!

Well Kate I've been thinking about this for a while and you made me go through with it. ;D

I get so lonely in my home without internet. My highschool friend have all gone off to colledge and my Church friends have their lives, So sometimes I get discouraged in my PRoverbs 31 walk.

My recent thoughts on a solution was to ask ya'll if you wanted to snail mail or email me?

Kate just from our comments it seems we have a lot in common, and I'd love to hear from you! (Tag answers and all ;D )

And any of you wonderful Ladies who would like to write to me please do!! It helps to get ancouragement from those who have gone through it and can tell me how!!

I am keeping up with a lot of you from your blogs (google reader works on my phone) but alas blogger doesn't. (cries) So I can read, but I can't comment.

So! Those of you who would like to write to me my Email address is Avonleamountaindreamer[@]hotmail[.]com (remove brackets) and if you like Snail mail we'll exchange addresses.

I can't wait to hear from you! And I'll try to get back and blog soon! Things are so hecktic!! I'm having a little endeavour with Ginseng and cornmeal is picking up by the thousands of pounds so I promise my next big purchase will be internet. (And after that... etsy maybe? what do you think??)

Write me soon!!!


Brooke O'Shea said...

Awh dear, I am sorry!
I will email you!
Through Christ,

Anonymous said...

Tardy me, I should have gotten online before this to let you know I'm sorry and I'll see what I can do to help you, I'm just getting over a painful breakup with my best friend, and am pretty lonely myself. I'd love to email you, and thanks a million for mentioning me in your post, I'm tickled PINK
Loveyoulots, and TTYL