Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Anyone listening???


I just wanted to see if anyone is still reading my blog.

I'd love to talk to everyone again. Maybe get things going again. But I REALLY don't want to do it to empty cyberspace.

If you have google reader, you may have seen my latest post about moving out. Well that didn't go so well.... To many problems with it. So things will get flip-flopped around here and turned on their head until I'm satisfied but I'll be trying to remain here, but like I said, not if it means empty cyberspace.

So please comment here and help me get things back up and running.

Thanks a million!


Debbie said...

Okay...I resolved whatever problem was keeping me from seeing your blog entries and am now OFFICIALLY following you! :)

Debbie said...

Well, I finally got it worked out where I'm "officially" following you, but am having difficulty posting my comments. That silly "prove you're not a robot" thing keeps telling me I'm not typing the correct letters/numbers. *sigh* Hopefully, THIS comment makes it through.

Avonlea_dreamer said...

Yay!!! One reader! lol! And a very special one too!

I'm taking the captcha thing off now, I only put it on when I was trying to move...

Brooke O'Shea said...

I'm still here! I do miss hearing from you.
Through Christ

Avonlea_dreamer said...

Oh I'm so glad to hear it! I thought Everyone was gone...

Mrs. V. said...

I'm still here and I always read what you write. I saw this post the other day and was going to comment but when I tried to it said the blog was gone. I was :0(

But now you're back ~ yay! I go through seasons of quiet too. I have a few things rattling around in my head I want to blog about. I've just got to get my thoughts all sorted out first. :0)

Avonlea_dreamer said...

Oh I'm glad you found me! You see I made the mistake of changing my domain name... and by the time I realized what trouble that caused it was too late....