Thursday, December 27, 2012

Corset Challenge; The Rest of the Week.

Well, I ended up making it 3 out of seven days in the corset challenge. It doesn't sound like much, but I think it was a start. It's most definitely something I'm going to try again. The main reasons for quitting were lack of outfits and Christmas rush. 

No one wants to be stuck in a un-used to corset while shopping and crawling around on the floor wrapping gifts.  

But I do feel that those three days were a complete success! The day pictured here was a work day, cleaning the mill from top to bottom and helping dad all day. I felt completely comfortable all day, even while sweeping and lifting. (note: losing the modern undergarment fixed ALL the problems!) 

I did wear my apron, but by the time I took these pictures it was absolutely filthy! 

On day three, I wore pretty much the same outfit as in day one, but I switched to my pink shirtwaist. 

I'll be trying this again some time in the next few months and we'll see how it goes. 

Things to change: 
  • Make new slips. Mine is two sizes too small, and tattered... 
  • Add in a few new spring-time dresses
  • perhaps make a supportive upper garment, such as these: Image 1, Image 2, Image 3 
My plans are for This dress in the next few weeks. Past patterns has one that's nearly identical. And I've found a material I like from Joann's, the plaid's rather smaller, but I think it'll do. 

So do please stay tuned. And do comment! I love hearing from you, and it's so encouraging to me and makes me want to keep writing! 


Mrs. G said...

I'm glad that you love your corset, I hate mine. Still, a well-made corded corset would *have* to be better than a bra, I think. :) I'm glad to see you blogging.

Avonlea_dreamer said...

Thanks! I really do! Course mine IS from one of the more "Comfortable" eras. :D But hey, I'm glad to see Pastoral Symphony back up and running too!

Mrs. G said...

Thanks Meggie, it's good to be back!