Tuesday, June 29, 2010

40's style

So Saturday I went to forever 21 will Lady weaver. "This time" I said, "I'm not leaving without something" Bad policy I know, but it's just so far away I can't get there easily.

But Don't worry, I spent $7.00. I bought my first bow headband. A deep silky blue.

Weeeell I just so happen to have a deep silky blue dress. That got me thinking. Lets do something different. Let's go 40's!!!

So I pin curled and Victory Rolled, then Red lipsticked and Viole!!!

A 40's style for church, which everyone loved. ;D
Love and Hugs!


Bramblewood Fashion said...

Cute, cute, cute! I love your whole outfit! =)

Avonlea_dreamer said...

Thanks!! It was so fun and different!

Natasha Atkerson said...

OH! Thats so cute! That first picture could totally pass for a 40's pic! You should participate in my modest fashion show! http://www.natashaatkerson.blogspot.com

Avonlea_dreamer said...

hahaha thanks, I wish I could, I'm just not near a computer enough.

Brooke O'Shea said...

Wow, beautiful!
Love the whole style!

Avonlea_dreamer said...

Thank you! I've gone in victory rolls nearly all weekend in honoour of the fourth, I Love 'em!