Well I decided Last night that if I'm to become who I want to be (A good wife and mother someday) I need to start right now!
I also heard recently that it take fifty times of doing something to make it a habit.
So yesterday I decided to take fifty day and begin training myself for the houselife to come. I started of yesterday gathering ides and praying about it all, and For inspiration I opened my Bible to Proverbs 31. I'm going to print it and post it all over the house for my benifit. So whenever I feel like giving up I'll look at that and trudge on.
I started today with a bang.. as all projects go. I jumped up, made my bed, put on cleaning clothes, hung out the laundry for mom, and vacuumed her bedroom floor.
I intended to clean my room as wel for a start, but I had to go into town to return some movies and get groceries.
Anyhoo. I also found out, (Excitement of all excitements) I have unlimted internet on my phone! So once I get it activated I can at least talk to you wonderful folk a little. I've been catchin up on the blogs I follow until I could get here to activate my account.
I know.. I'm rambling... but I'm trying to do several things at once.
So I'm going to ask you to be my accountability partners. I'm going to post every day, or almost every day and tell you what I'm up to. And if I don't I want you to be on my case as much as possible. Make sure I do this. And join in if you like!! Just comment here and then link back to this post from your blog. (This is impromtu so forgive me)
Also I have a few fashion posts I'm going to get up for the next few days, so be on the lookout for them.
...Still rambling. There's just so much on my mind and I don't know how to get it out.
In a nut shell? Fifty days, doing as much housework and homemaking as I can. Then hopefully it will be a lifelong pattern. :D
Much love and Hugs!!
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This is a lovely endeavor, Meggie.
I've been working toward the Proverbs 31 woman goal for 20 years now. Its really more of a journey than a final achievement. Every time I think I've mastered an area, the Lord brings up something else I need to focus on.
I wonder what your specific goals are? There are many aspects to the Proverbs 31 woman. Are you working on homekeeping, cooking, gardening, sewing, improving your health with exercise and nutrition, child training, money making and financial management, your relationship with the Lord, or something else? Setting a goal for the area you're working on will help you track your progress and help us keep you accountable.
It gladdens my heart to see a young lady striving to follow our Lord and remain pure in heart. Blessings.
Well I'm working on more of the homemaking aspect of it now. The Quote unquote "Mundane" things. The laundry the cleaning the cooking. I'm going to start with cleaning. Our house is rather cluttered and I'm going to make myself do at least something on it every day. I'm at a friend's house now, but when I get home I'm going to start on my room. Then I believe the spiritual aspect will follow close behind.
Slowly but surely. This is mostly to get myself in the habit of housekeeping.
Awesome! I..*sigh* ..want to try harder. It takes so much to be a good homemaker and housewife! But we can do anything with God! :D yay! thank goodness, right? *whew*
tomorrow i am going to try to finish cleaning my room (which is atrocious right now) my only consolation is, when it seems like im making it worse, i say, "things always get worse before they get any better."
haha! good idea! 50 days.. *whew*
i love your blog!
I know I know! My first priority was my bedroom, but instead it's mainly been laundry and dishes. But those are the things I wanted to get used to!
I've gone a week now, and it's been mostly a mindset of WANTING to get out of bed and put those clothes on the line.
I'm doing well so far! Even if my room IS still a heaping mess. :D
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