Wednesday, March 31, 2010

"Fort" Rhymes With "Court" and "Sort."

ehem, well I'm sorry I'm a bit late on this, but we headed home quite suddenly. Anyways, an exciting day last Wednesday. :D

I didn't wand to tell you all until it was final. I woke up early on Wednesday morning, got picked up and taken to the local radio station! There I got to sing and talk about the fort!

You can find the whole thing here unfortunately it's not playing yet... *sniffle* but it'll be there.

After that we went out to the fort and started stacking. they laid poles up against the highest layer and pushed the logs up it into place. they used the mules with some of the heavier ones.

(ps the header has to do with my dad's partner... he said before I could go on the radio I had to have a fort song... so he started rhyming... his main one was "Wart". ;D )


Bramblewood Fashion said...

Cool! I'll have to listen to you on the radio when it comes up. :D

Avonlea_dreamer said...

Hey thanks! I'll let you know when it does!

Lady Weaver said...

I know I already called in to tell you that morning, but I'll say it again. You are amazingly talented. I'm so happy I was able to hear it!

Avonlea_dreamer said...

*Huggles* (you know when you're a contributer your comments don't have to be approved? Which means I had no Idea you commented. ;D )