Sunday, May 30, 2010
A sewing Adventure.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Home cooking endevours
Thursday, May 20, 2010
The Perfect Day (Lady Antebellum)
My and Hallie's Bedroom
Cousin Katelynne and her friend Sarah

Friday, May 14, 2010
A Rosy Bible Cover.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass it's about learning to dance in the rain!
My Dear Bloggers... I've neglected you... Actually we've just not been into town, plus my Little Library has been closed for two weeks. "Why?" you ask. They're opening a new and improve HUGE (lets say that again) HUGE!!! Three story new one!! *Dances for absolute joy* So anyways, here I am at Lady Weaver's for her Birthday. (She turned
nineteen yesterday.) I'm having a blast! She had no idea I was coming. Her sister called me yesterday morning to ask me to come and surprise her. And Lady Weaver is supposedly "Unsurprisable" It was lovely to see her face when I came out of her sister's bedroom, casually asking what time supper was. (RC Cola in hand) :D
(you can see my hat that I was holding over the camera. It was dripping afterward!!)
But anyways, today I'm sitting here in my PJ's updating you on my life a bit.
Spring cleaning has been most of it. My mom and I have stayed home while my dad finishes this bit of the fort. I got up last week deciding on cleaning my room and then the library, (or more appropriately "The-room-next-to-mine-that's-covered-in-shelves-from-Y2K-waiting-to-be-filled-with-books) And then on to the catch all desk in the kitchen that my dad had asked me to clean. But when I walked into my mom's room she looked at me sadly, looked around her cluttered bedroom and said pitifully, "Help?" (Yes... that's how it happened....)
So for the next two days we cleaned, and scrubbed and vacuumed, and mostly organized. Then we moved down to the kitchen desk. Both are now spotless. :D
But anyways, here is what was my next "Letter from home" It was written about a month ago, So I'm not sure of the exact date. I just couldn't pass up telling you this little bit of spontaneous fun!
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass it's about learning to dance in the rain!
Hehe, our one big April rain shower was last Thursday, it stormed for about five minutes, poured blindingly for about three more and showered pleasantly all day. Well during the big gully washer, I decided to enjoy myself, took a few pictures and got blessedly and gloriously SOAKED!!!
Have a blessed day!!

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