Monday, December 7, 2009
No phone, no pool, no pets
I have no phone... and for those of you who have dail up you know... no phone means no computer...
And so I am absolutely ACHING to tell you about singing at the local mansion and finishing my dress... I can't. I'm at the Library now without my camera or anything...
And so I'll tell you all about it as soon as I can! And I'll post so many pictures you won't know what to do with them!!
(We also had the first snow of the season...)
But until then, I must bid you adue!
Monday, November 30, 2009
It's Begining to Look a Lot Like Christmas!

Ehem you'll have to excuse the poor piano..
it's been Mustard Yellow as long as I can remember...
I've been meaning to repaint it forever.

Here you can see the mile long flounce along the bottom
Also you may notice the changes in my profile. Not only am I getting ready to decorate the house, but I've redecorated my blog
So I wish all of you a happy start to the Christmas Season! And I'll get back to you soon with the completed dress! (Super Sqee)
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Cranberry Sauce!

I'm thankful for each and every one of you who Reads and comments on my Blog.
Here's a few more thing in my life I'm thankful for and couldn't possibly live without.

week with some of the best Christian people in the world!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
Thirty, Flirty, and Fabulous!
I'm going to take this chance to introduce a few things to you!
First off My new skirt. Long long ago.. it was a bed skirt. Then it got turned into a Farbatrocious Civil war Costume. (This in particular was a "Cape") But cut me some slack, at least it was cotton, but hey, I was in the 7th grade... so yeah!
Anyhoo, I took out the elastic I had aound the top, put a few pleats in the front to bring the waistband down to size, and sewed it up the side. And get this! I did it all on the machine!! Yes be proud.. it's only every once in a while!
Secondly I wanted to say, I'd like to get an Etsy. Is it worth it? Do you sell anything? If I made some hats like in the previous posts, would you buy them? (Maybe $12?) Give me some insight into them!
anyways, I gotta go!
Much love!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Smiles and Sunshine
You know I am fast becoming attached to the beautiful sweet boys. I kept them again today.
It was so sweet he snuggled up to me as he woke up!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Snakes and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails
Okay so I've mentioned before about keeping one of our men's kids... well I think I'll tell the whole story. About a month ago a fellow who had worked for dad when I was probably... oh gosh I must have been little because he helped build this house and we moved in here when I was two... Aaanyhoo, he came by and simply said "I'm starving to death, I need work." His wife had left him, he had three little boys, no electricity, no running water, and he was about to run out of unemployment. So when the opportunity arose, we put him to work. We offered him one of our cabins, but he was too proud to accept charity... until it got cold.
But anyways down to the point, only one of his boys is in school, and only Kindergarden at that. The middle boy is the one we kept last week that was sick. Today, he ran out of places he could take the little ones during the day. He couldn't pay the people who usually kept them and the grandparents were wore out. So we kept them.. or mostly I did. Needless to say I"M wore out.
They're sweet boys, don't get me wrong, but they are boys... and they grew up without Church, and with a worthless lazy mother... So they're rowdy, but I've never known a boy who wasn't :D And the middle one is very defiant. But I also think he has hearing problems... but seeing as I know nothing of children... it could just be me. They did fine until about 1:00 when they got tired and started fighting. The little one, who's still in daipers, finally fell asleep, and I thought maybe I'll get to rest when the bigger one does... He didn't sleep. So to keep him from waking the little one, we went on a walk in the rain, he with a hood, me with a little umbrella.
The little one slept until about 2:30- 3:00, and things got a little rowdy again. I taught them how to play "Ring- around- the-rosie" Which it was sadly clear they had never played before.
So it was fun, exhausting, and a total learning experience... I think we may have to keep them again soon. (I'm kinda hoping not tomorrow... but I don't think I'm right.)
But I want to ask the Christian mothers and sisters out there for a little advise! How do I deal with two almost completely unchecked little ones without getting completely exhausted?
Little Cody decided to try on "Mr.Clive's" Hat (My dad's)
Monday, November 9, 2009
Hats off! Part Two
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Hats off!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Tea for Two, and Two for Tea
Well I'm late, but this flu is taking longer than it should. Apparently it takes TWO WEEKS to get over! So I thought I was better and it settled into my chest... oh well...
Anyways! I thought I would post this just in time for Emily's "Thursday Tea Time" over at A Beautiful Life.
Anyways, we walked in nearly 30 minutes late, but that was okay, they weren't busy. at least to my untrained eyes!
It was a HUGE room with a vaulted ceiling, it was called the "Library" dining room, but it only had on tall shelf of books. And though that would probably fill my whole library, it didn't make this look much like one.
They made us wait about fifteen minutes so we could have choice of tables. We chose one next to the window with an absolutely excellent view.
Our waitress, Natalie, was adorable. and though we didn't get a picture of her, she will remain in my memory. :D When they seated us they brought a cherry wood box. Inside were Bottles? Vials? of a raw version of each tea on their menu. You smelled them to choose them.
Close up on what was in the box.
(btw the chocolate truffle smelled AWESOME!
but not for just then)
A little while later they brought it out. Lady weaver had chosen a pinkish tea called "Wild blossom and berry" And I chose a spicy orange tea called "California fields"
When they brought out the food the waitress explained everything on out plates flawlessly... and it was a lot to remember. and she told us she was going to explain it first because people tended to completely forget all she said when she set the "Tier of deserts" in front of them.
She also said that earlier at the table next to us she had set it down in front of some little boys and they lit up like she was an angel.
Our foods included the signature Cucumber sandwiches, among other finger sandwiches.
Our "Tier of desserts" included white chocolate chip pumpkin scones, apple butter muffins, "Christmas" cookies, pineapple upside down cake, bon bons,and pecan tartlets.
We enjoyed it immensely!!
(I'll update this tomorrow when I'm more awake... so check back!!)
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
A Little Bit of Life

Saturday, October 31, 2009
A Lady of the Hillside Manor

As we drove we watched the sun slowly burn off the fog. It was going to be a beautiful day! When we turned into the Biltmore exit I put in my "Anne" Soundtrack. For background. It was perfect.
on the bus
The last roses of Summer

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