We awoke Saterday morning to the echoeing beginings of sunshine. We got up early so we could make it down to breakfast. As we ate, Npr played in the background and the sun continued to light up the day. This was exciting because it was supposed to be raining all morning.
Mrs. Emma fed us breakfast, and we met our "Neighbors" We talked with them for most of the morning. We were given our own pots of hot water for tea, making it extra good!
We had baked apples to start, and a breakfast casserole and muffins after.
After breakfast we went upstairs to get ready for the day. We did our nails on the upper balcony. Then as Lady weaver finished hers, I explored the garden. It was a beautiful little garden, though I'm sure it is better in the spring when the rest of the flowers are in bloom.
one Lowly flower. :D
After we had finished we left to explore downtown Dillsboro. It's such a quaint little town! and we found so many neat little odd shops!
This little shop had everything from Gormet foods to antique/ vintage clothes!
And this one was a soda fountain and general store that we never got to use *Sniffle*
From there we joined Lady Weaver's "Aunt Sally" (Who is actually her mom's best friend from high school) Aunt Sally has chickens.... nuff said
Later that afternoon Aunt Sally and "Uncle Chuck" took us to Waynseville where the "Mast General Store" Resides. This is a neat little place with LOOOOOTS of candy!!
After yet another romp, but this time in Downtown Waynesville we returned to the Squire. And after another dip in the claw foot tub, we once again slept like babies, but this time with visions of parasols dancing in our heads. :D
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