Friday, October 29, 2010
40 Followers GIVEAWAY!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Let's get caught up! casual wear, and butterick 4790
Shirt: Thrifted
Jeans: old worn out, had since 7th grade... from Wal-mart??
Shoes: payless.. old, worn out.. but I think they still have them.. strangely..
And there you go! Comfortable modest and pretty!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
New Blog!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Recently... (This is a rant! Viewer discresion may be advised)

Recently, while talking to people under the age of twenty I have been told;
- Being around drugs and alchohol isn't all that bad
- When me and my boyfriend have sex...
- I coudn't make it to church, I had to work (Or even better) My mom didn't wake me up.
@#$@#%# (Potty mouth anyone??)
And there are pleanty more where this came from.
For those of us that understand, it all comes so simply! Drugs and alchohol are bad because they impare your judgment and even stupider things come of it.
Sex is for marriage, nuff said.
Church is more important than sleep because well, GOD is more important than sleep.
Recently it has come to light that fewer people than I ever thought don't understand this like I do.
Have you ever run into people like this? Of course you have...
How do you deal?
Especially since last night a #2 came from a girl who recently turned 14! And hadn't been a virgin for a YEAR AND A HALF!!!!
This is purely REDICULOUS! What are we teaching our kids anyomore? anything? Doesn't seem so from where I'm sitting.
So I'm coming to you dear readers... for advise.
How do you tell these people this is wrong? Especially without turning new believers away forever. Without making people think you're holding up a sign saying "No Sinners Allowed."
I'm running out of words... and courage. I'd love to hear scripture, stories of what YOU have been through, and pleanty of encouragement.
I can now read your comments from home, So please, PLEASE do!
Keep your prayers and your Emails and comments coming!
Love and Huggs
Monday, October 4, 2010
Thanks for the wishes!
Especially from my dear freind, Miss Weaver!
But I wore it all day, While I cleaned the living room no less!! (This dress works very well with a pinny! {apron})
Anyways, then we went to a friend's cammpsite and just enjoyed ourselves all evening!
Then saturday we went to an auction all day where I got pleasantly... burnt.. (Not as bad as my Marmee though!! ) But on the way back we stopped at Sonic for ice cream where I had a birthday root beer float!
But wonderful wonder of wonders, that night as we lounged on the couch, tired as we were, who should pull up but my sister! She's my dad's daughter, and is 19 years older than me, and we hadn't seen her since christmas. But the best part was that she is officially 200 lb LIGHTER! She's been heavy as long as I've known her, and had a surgery last year and lost every bit!!
Now for the best part, Sunday I rededicated my life to the Lord... Big time.. And I'm going to be Baptised probably at the end of October. (Just never had the opportunity to do it before)
So here begins my journey. My youth and I have a fire under us.. and I believe we're about to put our little church on the map! Pray for us in this, pray that the Lord will keep us on track and keep us moving, and more importantly GROWING! Pray especially for me to stay where He wants me to be so I can do for Him what I may never have dreamed.
That's most important, but I have a few other resolutions.
#1 I'm going to completely change out my waredrobe by the time I turn 20. (one year) I'm going to get rid off all the ill fitting things I've had since 6th grade and make/ buy things that I WANT to wear. JoAnnes had a HUGE pattern sale two weeks running a while back and I got myself a great start! Including a great pull over your head and go, 50's dress.
secondly, I want to get the house entirely TIDY, and keep it that way. I've already got a head start on it, starting in the Living room. (Pictures to follow later.. )
And lastly, By the time I'm 20, I want to have taken over at least one household chore, ENTIRELY.. we'll see how that goes... Marmee has this policy of "It's my kitchen GET OUT!!" So we'll see. :D
Anyways, thank you all again! And I'm hoping to have internet again very soon, and be able to come back, full swing. I've ideas for Giveaways, an etsy store, and of course many many more posts!
Keep in touch!
OH! And if I do host a giveaway,what would you like to see me give?
Friday, October 1, 2010
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Formal Progressive Dinner - Feb 2008 |
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Fabulous is fabulous, daaaahling. - Oct 1998 |
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At Biltmore - Oct 2009 |
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Take a picture of taking a picture? :) - Oct 2009 |
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Out to the great unknown, hand in hand, together forever. - 1998 |

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