Saturday, April 14, 2012

Just in Time, Personal Tea Service

Look what arrived in the mail from the English Tea Store Today! And just in time for my Annual bout with Larangitis... (boo.. but at least it wasn't on Easter like it usually is...)

Look how pretty my favourite tea (Twinnings Lady Grey) looks without the tea bag!
Ahhh! To sit down with a nice hot cuppa on an unseasonally cold day, to soothe a sore throat.

(notice my quilt in the background? I have one strip nearly all quilted! Woot!) Until Next time!
Ps, my Stay at Home Daughters Blog is now up and running again! go check it out!


Civil Folks said...

Get well soon.

I use fresh spearmint tea with lemon and honey for throat problems. My spearmint is growing wildly right now!


Avonlea_dreamer said...

Thanks so much! I've been using honey and lemon, but I hadn't thought about mint. I'll add that in next time. :D