Hey Ya'll!
I wanted to let you know that this weekend has started off awesome! I was given a chance to go to a missions conference with Lady Weaver, up in the mountains. It's so amazing so far! Not only for the lessons, I'm following a "Women's only" Class schedule, (they had five or so classes you could chose from at one time) but for the people. It's so encouraging to be around people who, at a public restraunt, can talk openly about the Bible, and what God has done for them. It's not that people I know won't, it's that other subjects come up first. Yup.. it's sad either way you put it... So anyways... that's my weekend. :D More on that with pictures later.

Secondly, I started a new blog... yes another... But this one is more for my benefit. During the day, while watching home improvement shows, looking at magazenes such as Victoria, Going to Lowes, I keep looking at Doors, and Wallpaper, and kitchen cabinets and saying, "Now that's what I want in my Home of Dreams!" So I decicded to create an online portfolio for all my dream furnishing and of homes that give me inspiration.
or the beginings of it anyways....
Hey that's great Meggie, I'm glad you had such a great time.... It must have been wonderful seeing Lady Weaver again!
I think I should start a blog like yours, named "my Avon wish list" lol!
Hey thanks! It was a blast! I'm planning on posting some pictures and links. *Bounces against invisible wall of "no internet" looking much like a mime* lol! And that would be cool! I love avon. I buy all my make up from them. :)
Your new blog looks cool!
I LOVE the Anne Of Green Gables books!!!
Book blogger
Really? how neat... I love Avon too.. for many reasons, one of which is because of all the models they have.. I can get free inspiration...
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