Wednesday, December 8, 2010

New dress and thanks for the wishes

First of, I want to thank Lady weaver for posting that... I think this was the worst cold I've ever had, Achey and stuck in bed all week. But I'm better now so lets see if I can get back into the swing of things.

So here's photos of my new dress. they're not best quality, cause we didn't get home 'till really late Thanksgiving night. Enjoy!

Dress: Made by me Butterick B5281

Shoes: payless

Tights: kmart


Mrs. V. said...

Very beautiful! I love the color too. You are very talented.

Hannah Prewett (beastsbelle) said...

Hi Meggie! Glad you're feeling better...there's a lot of nasty stuff going around this year! :{ Hope you're having a wonderful Christmas season! :)

Brooke O'Shea said...

So glad you are feeling better! That dress is beautiful!! I promise to email you as soon as I can!
Through Christ,

Anonymous said...

creeping in late here.. but I'm so glad you are feeling better now!
....and your dress.... My, my, it's *lovely*...
Your shoes are fantastic, and I think you look "so" pretty in green, it goes very well with your beautiful blond hair!
Well done, you sure are a sewing machine!!
BTW that belt in swoon worthty
love Kate