Okay well today was great, which made my rocky start weekend muuuuch better.
I didn't do much all day, but tonight was singing service at church. For some reason I was soooo nervous! Maybe it was because I was going to talk before hand.
I was Sang "It is well with my soul" And told the story about the man who wrote it (Because I'm tired I'm only gonna say it can be found on Wikipedia)
But as I was in the choir, one girl who seems to be the only other singer among the youth of the church, (And yes I'm still considered youth for some odd reason) was looking for someone to sing with her. We ended up singing "Without him" And I sang Harmony in public for the first time... ahhh! it felt good! I've been practicing it for so long! I just never had found anyone with strong enough Melody to be able to sing Harmony with them.
Anyways long story short, we're going to sing "Sweet hour of prayer" on Old timer's day in two weeks. I'm excited!
Oh! And I also got my nighty done! Yaaaaay! okay well all but the waistband... and I don't have ribbon for it yet. But it's done! even the embroidery on the front!
So now I just have to bide my time until my vest pattern comes in... *Taps foot*
Oh well! We'll get there! one project at a time, eh?
Until next time!
ps, I've got pictures of what I was wearing tonight, (Although the pictures were taken friday night at my friend's just after a harvest festival at our old school.) I Fear I was overdressed Friday night, but hey! I had people to impress. :D
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