Saturday, September 5, 2009

I'm here!!

Okay I'm here! I promise! I haven't forgotten you. I've been at my aunt's and well since I left all my thread at home I wasn't able to work on it! So I lugged the sewing machine and the cutting board and and well everything over here... and didn't do ANYTHING but measure the bed...

But I'm still working on it! Sadly enough I'm already thinking about my next project... Old timer's day at my church is October 11 and I'd like to make a vest for my "Anne" outfit. I think it would really complete it. Either that or I'd like to make an exact replica of the outfit she wears in the beginning of the movie. It looks pretty simple. I just use the patterns I already have. The top I'd have to make backwards so it opens in the front and not the back. That's in a white, or off white, with yellow polka dots. Then the skirt I'd just put three big pleats near the hem, that's in a plain brown. and finally the vest, which is a brown plaid.

And also I'm going to Biltmore estate in late October and I'd like to make Sense and Sensibility's 1914 afternoon dress. But only if my Best friend will wear one too :D

So I'll get back to you later with updates. :D Maybe I'll have the top done soon... maybe



Anonymous said...

Imagine my surprise and delight to find a follower on my blog! So you are a Meggie, just like my younger daughter. I love that name.

I could also be described at a Christian nerd with vintage/Victorian flare. I adore Anne of Green Gables. I've wanted the moved with Megan Follows several times.

Have fun with your blog. I will enjoy reading about your projects and activities.

Lady Weaver said...

How did you do it? I want to know how you decorated you blogspot so I can do it too!

Avonlea_dreamer said...

Top left hand corner of the screen. it's premade and gives instructions :D