Friday, December 31, 2010
New Blog and Update!

Friday, December 24, 2010
A Very Merry Christmas!!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010
A question for you!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Quit Chuckin my wood!!
First~ Do I have any songs that trigger memories?
Yup... Any time I hear anything from Lord of the Rings, or anything celtic actually, I can't help thinking of the wonderful years I spent wrapped up in those worlds with my best friends. (We were young okay? lol!)
hmm... I dunno, sometimes when I listen to something I'll go back to when I heard it last... but that usually means I'm transported from one place driving to another place... in the car... Does that make sense? OR I'll go by that spot and think of the song I was listening to when I went by.
Oh! And I used to be able to "Imprint" a book to a cd. Like Alasdair frasiers "Fire and Ice" with "Green rider" And every time I listen to that CD I'm back on a horse running from evil bad... people.. Meaning... I read the book and kept the cd going the whole time, and they'd just become part of one another. Make sense?
other question.. What is my Favourite blog?
You expect me to chose?
Um.... I LOVE Sarah Jane's Romantic History, Mrs. G. At Pastoral Symphony Farm, Emily at "A Beautiful life, Wearing History, Casey's elegant musings, I think those are it for my ABSOLUTE favs,but anything I've followed I like. :D
Next question?
Saturday, December 11, 2010
What would I say?
How tall am I? Well... I'm gonna say about 5'3" I stepped on a height/ weight scale at Wonderworks, (A local science and oddities attraction) and it said I was 5'4" but my best friend is 5'4" and I'm shorter than her by a little.. but I'm taller than my mom at 5'2" so.... 5'3" it is. :D
The other question was,
What advise would I give to other Stay at Home Daughters?
Mostly Keep going! No matter what happens or who tries to intimidate you (purposely or not) or how bad you feel, keep your chin up and go on. God chose you for this calling, and that means he has faith that you can do it! So keep going, keep learning, and keep your head up. Know that you aren't alone, there are dozens of us out there, trying our best to get where God has put us.
And finally, be content, be content and do God's work no matter your marital status, no matter if you can knit or not. :D And no matter what anyone says..
I sorta repeated myself, but I can't stress it enough. God chose you, he has faith in YOU, So have faith that he knows what he's doing.
Friday, December 10, 2010
It's begining to look a lot like Christmas
Well my family and I have decided that we can decorate the house from top to bottom... but it just isn't Christmas without a tree...
Last year our Truck was down, we were sick, we were out of money.. and most of all our spirits were down, so the Sunday before Christmas, I went out and cut a spindly old cedar tree off the property.
That made it Christmas, not the presents, not the specials, and not the decorations.
Well this year we've been getting the "City Hall runaround" (My dad restores old buildings so.. we work for historical societies and city government a lot) We'll have money for presents and such later, and we have a truck this year... but we just couldn't get in a festive mood... So this time my Dad and I went out on the farm and cut a tree. We just couldn't wait any longer.
It's wonky, and it looks like it walked out of "Who-ville" but it's a tree. It's not half decorated, but it'll do.
Doesn't it just remind you of our King?
He could've been born in all this hype surrounding Prince William, and Kate Middleton, He could've had gold, and jewels, and rubies beyond value.
But he was born in a barn... Those of you who are farmers know what I'm talking about. Mud and dirt and poo and all sorts of nastiness. And he was born into a lowly carpenter's family. (I know what that's like... especially in hard times..)
He wasn't a posh, city tree, perfectly round and shapely, pre lit, and pre decorated, in fact unlike Da Vinci's interpretation, he was probably a plain ordinary man. He was a wonky, who-ville, country bumpkin, who was destined to save the world!
Much Love!
Have a look at the history of Christmas trees Here!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Ask me!
it's simple, comment and ask me anything, anything you want to know, then I'll post and answer as best I can! Have at it!!
And by the way, make sure all your questions are clean and something you wouldn't mind God and your Grandmother hearing. In other words be nice. Anything that isn't will be deleted and you will be banned from my blog. Much Love~ Meggie
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
New dress and thanks for the wishes
Dress: Made by me Butterick B5281
Shoes: payless
Tights: kmart
Monday, December 6, 2010
A *cough* Update
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Thank you!

Saturday, November 20, 2010
Regal Regency
Ps.. The hat was a fluke... it was a decorative wall hat I had made the mistake of buying, and when folded, it gently resembled a regency hat... (not really) hope you liked the pics!!
pss.. head over to Sahd to have a look at some photoshoped pics I did... and I'll upload the rest of those soon. :D
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Giveaway Winner!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Giveaway closed... quick note..
also.. I have a new Regency dress, and I have pictures... but I left them in the camera at home... Isn't that how it goes.... :/
So be looking foreward to that!
Love and Huggs!
Monday, November 1, 2010
Right or wrong?
Helping, Giving, and patience, are good. Right?
We’ve known this to be true since the moment we walked out of the 5 and dime with that gumball we didn’t pay for and our mothers made us openly take it back.
As we grow older and more things of the world, more sinful instincts, are revealed, right and wrong aren’t always spelled out. There is a very fine line in some cases between good and bad, and finding it isn’t always easy. Especially for us young folk, just stepping into the world on our own.
For instance, wearing dresses to church, singing in the choir, teaching classes. When is this following what we believe is what the Lord wants? And when is it simply showing off?
This is something God wants us to find out for our selves. You can’t open the Bible to the book of "First Meggie" and it say, "On the third Sunday she sang" Nor Does God open up the clouds and bonk you on the head for wearing jeans. (at least not anymore…)
The answer itself is simple. Your attitude. If you Jump up, Grab a microphone and sing at the top of your voice so that everyone comes up to you and says how wonderful you are… needless to say it’s for the wrong reasons.
And yet if you take on the ten year old Wednesday night bus kids simply because you know they need Jesus, then I’d say you were on the right track.
Now here is my dilemma.
When is standing up for the Lord a good thing, and when is it simply pouring wind?
I recently got into an argument with my aunt (a sixty year old self professed "Hippie") when she posted an article on her facebook against a theocratic government. Personally I believe the Baptists and the Methodists and the Catholics should have no part in government, But I KNOW God should take hold of it and shake it to it’s knees. (I usually put it that there should be a separation of "Church" and state, but not "God" and state.)
I simply stated to her that I’d rather God were in control than who we have now. And she jumps up and begins ranting on how we have no right to keep two men from marrying or to keep a girl with "Modern Ideals" from "Making a choice"
Well I won’t go further on the details but that I don’t like to argue, and yet I was, and that it was long, drawn out and painful. I hated fighting with her. She’s my Aunt, and I love her, but I cannot stand for someone to slander God in any way. (And she’s a professed "Born Again Believer"… thought she drinks, smokes and most likely hasn’t been to church in my lifetime)
Halfway through landed on a Sunday, so I asked my youth, (including our preacher’s wife) advise on it. I had gotten a reply that morning and was so shook up I couldn’t stand it.
Our youth rep (a girl of 16) jumped up in arms about it, but Mrs. Becky, the preachers wife, told me I shouldn’t be arguing with my aunt.
So when is it good to stand for the Lord and when is it just arguing?
I feel like my attitude was right. (No brag, just fact) I felt for some reason Like I had to say something, to keep God’s law from becoming a doormat.
And that is just what the church and my parents have been teaching me for years is that because we haven’t stood for God, our country is in the state it’s in.
I also feel like I got through to her, if only for a moment. It was a statement I made that ended the conversation. She was stumped but came back a few days later and rectified herself. (needless to say… I didn’t reply that time)
And another line… when is asking advise like this gossip, and when is it simply asking advise?
On a lighter note, I have a praise report concerning an earlier post! I had a glimmer of hope from the 14 year old last Sunday. She told me she wanted to take a purity oath! Now whether she will or if she’ll keep it, is not for me to say. But the fact is she saw a light somewhere and told me she wanted to. Continue to pray for her! And for me that I’ll know what to say and when to say it.
I love you all, and thanks for the wonderful advise!
Friday, October 29, 2010
40 Followers GIVEAWAY!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Let's get caught up! casual wear, and butterick 4790
Shirt: Thrifted
Jeans: old worn out, had since 7th grade... from Wal-mart??
Shoes: payless.. old, worn out.. but I think they still have them.. strangely..
And there you go! Comfortable modest and pretty!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
New Blog!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Recently... (This is a rant! Viewer discresion may be advised)

Recently, while talking to people under the age of twenty I have been told;
- Being around drugs and alchohol isn't all that bad
- When me and my boyfriend have sex...
- I coudn't make it to church, I had to work (Or even better) My mom didn't wake me up.
@#$@#%# (Potty mouth anyone??)
And there are pleanty more where this came from.
For those of us that understand, it all comes so simply! Drugs and alchohol are bad because they impare your judgment and even stupider things come of it.
Sex is for marriage, nuff said.
Church is more important than sleep because well, GOD is more important than sleep.
Recently it has come to light that fewer people than I ever thought don't understand this like I do.
Have you ever run into people like this? Of course you have...
How do you deal?
Especially since last night a #2 came from a girl who recently turned 14! And hadn't been a virgin for a YEAR AND A HALF!!!!
This is purely REDICULOUS! What are we teaching our kids anyomore? anything? Doesn't seem so from where I'm sitting.
So I'm coming to you dear readers... for advise.
How do you tell these people this is wrong? Especially without turning new believers away forever. Without making people think you're holding up a sign saying "No Sinners Allowed."
I'm running out of words... and courage. I'd love to hear scripture, stories of what YOU have been through, and pleanty of encouragement.
I can now read your comments from home, So please, PLEASE do!
Keep your prayers and your Emails and comments coming!
Love and Huggs
Monday, October 4, 2010
Thanks for the wishes!
Especially from my dear freind, Miss Weaver!
But I wore it all day, While I cleaned the living room no less!! (This dress works very well with a pinny! {apron})
Anyways, then we went to a friend's cammpsite and just enjoyed ourselves all evening!
Then saturday we went to an auction all day where I got pleasantly... burnt.. (Not as bad as my Marmee though!! ) But on the way back we stopped at Sonic for ice cream where I had a birthday root beer float!
But wonderful wonder of wonders, that night as we lounged on the couch, tired as we were, who should pull up but my sister! She's my dad's daughter, and is 19 years older than me, and we hadn't seen her since christmas. But the best part was that she is officially 200 lb LIGHTER! She's been heavy as long as I've known her, and had a surgery last year and lost every bit!!
Now for the best part, Sunday I rededicated my life to the Lord... Big time.. And I'm going to be Baptised probably at the end of October. (Just never had the opportunity to do it before)
So here begins my journey. My youth and I have a fire under us.. and I believe we're about to put our little church on the map! Pray for us in this, pray that the Lord will keep us on track and keep us moving, and more importantly GROWING! Pray especially for me to stay where He wants me to be so I can do for Him what I may never have dreamed.
That's most important, but I have a few other resolutions.
#1 I'm going to completely change out my waredrobe by the time I turn 20. (one year) I'm going to get rid off all the ill fitting things I've had since 6th grade and make/ buy things that I WANT to wear. JoAnnes had a HUGE pattern sale two weeks running a while back and I got myself a great start! Including a great pull over your head and go, 50's dress.
secondly, I want to get the house entirely TIDY, and keep it that way. I've already got a head start on it, starting in the Living room. (Pictures to follow later.. )
And lastly, By the time I'm 20, I want to have taken over at least one household chore, ENTIRELY.. we'll see how that goes... Marmee has this policy of "It's my kitchen GET OUT!!" So we'll see. :D
Anyways, thank you all again! And I'm hoping to have internet again very soon, and be able to come back, full swing. I've ideas for Giveaways, an etsy store, and of course many many more posts!
Keep in touch!
OH! And if I do host a giveaway,what would you like to see me give?
Friday, October 1, 2010
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Formal Progressive Dinner - Feb 2008 |
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Fabulous is fabulous, daaaahling. - Oct 1998 |
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At Biltmore - Oct 2009 |
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Take a picture of taking a picture? :) - Oct 2009 |
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Out to the great unknown, hand in hand, together forever. - 1998 |
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Looking for Pen Friends!!!
I get so lonely in my home without internet. My highschool friend have all gone off to colledge and my Church friends have their lives, So sometimes I get discouraged in my PRoverbs 31 walk.
My recent thoughts on a solution was to ask ya'll if you wanted to snail mail or email me?
Kate just from our comments it seems we have a lot in common, and I'd love to hear from you! (Tag answers and all ;D )
And any of you wonderful Ladies who would like to write to me please do!! It helps to get ancouragement from those who have gone through it and can tell me how!!
I am keeping up with a lot of you from your blogs (google reader works on my phone) but alas blogger doesn't. (cries) So I can read, but I can't comment.
So! Those of you who would like to write to me my Email address is Avonleamountaindreamer[@]hotmail[.]com (remove brackets) and if you like Snail mail we'll exchange addresses.
I can't wait to hear from you! And I'll try to get back and blog soon! Things are so hecktic!! I'm having a little endeavour with Ginseng and cornmeal is picking up by the thousands of pounds so I promise my next big purchase will be internet. (And after that... etsy maybe? what do you think??)
Write me soon!!!
Friday, September 3, 2010
Tag and Run

Friday, August 20, 2010
Comment drive!!!

I WANT YOU to comment. ;D
Well I've been wanting to do this for a while now, so here 'tis.
I have exactly 36 followers! I'm so glad! You all like me enough to keep reading about me and my sewing and Bible adventures. Thank you So much!! *Big Huggles*
So Now I want all 36 of you to tell me something.
What made you follow me?
How did you find me?
Tell me a little about yourself!
What do you like about my blog?
What don't you like?
What would you like to see more of?
or less of?
I want to know!!!
So hit the post button right below here and give me a shout out!
Bunches of Love and Huggs!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Newest Projects

My Chemise is made out of a soft cotton, is about calf length, and if you look close you can probably see the saftey pin holding it closed for the moment *whistles*
I decided to try my drawers crotchless this time... we'll see how that goes. The corset is the only thing I have that is NOT period in the least! A friend gave it to me as a temp. It's spandex with boning in it... it's rather uncomfortable... but it'll work until I get up the funds to make/ buy a real one
And finally the finished product. it needs hemmed and a kick plate, some sort of trim.. maybe and of course buttons.. (I procrastinate on buttons can you tell?) oh! And I have to make a collar.
As my next project, I decided to teach myself to knit. Luckily... I learn quickly. That is, with several you-tube videos and a lot of help from my mom!
And my result is!
A sock!
One, sad, ill- fitting, itchy sock.
But hey! it's a sock right? (And yes, I know there's a needle in my toe... but mom has yet to teach me to cast of...)
I only wanted to see if I could. The next one will be better! and I'll have the right type of yarn.
My next project, (also a "See if I can do it, with spare yarn) is, A sontag!
Now this one is going much better!.. so far. It's a simple knit five purl five pattern and then you switch every five rows. As you can see, I'm not very far yet, so I haven't gotten to the crossing "Arms" yet. But anyways, there 'tis! my latests conquests!
Love and Huggs!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Anne Inspired Dress
Saturday, July 31, 2010
My life in a Bubble

I can't count the nuber of times I have been accused of being "Sheltered." Stuck under the wings of my parents until I can't see all the cruel and aweful things the world holds. Some have been well and truely worried about me. Worried that when I step out into the REAL world, I won't know what to do or how to act.
But the truth is, I LOVE my Bubble! The further I venture into the world, the more I want to sink back into it.
People keep telling me how hard it is, how I'll never be able to cope with the truth. And maybe they're right.
People keep telling me that the world isn't mayberry anymore, NOTHING is black and white.

Do you ever just get so tired of what PEOPLE tell you? From where I sit, I CAN see what the world is. God never promised us that things would be easy. But he DID promise us everything would be alright.
I sound like I'm ranting, don't I? But the fact is, I'm about to tell you the best part. My Bubble isn't my parents, although they help me immensely! My Bubble insn't my bedroom with my Jane austen books and my nice feather pillow. My Bubble is a sturdy, tender, embrace of the promises of God!

So those of you who aspire as I do to God's will in Proverbs 31 should Stick with our bubbles!
And stick with Him!

Friday, July 30, 2010
Dala - Levi Blues
I recently discovered this group on a pbs special called "Girls from the North Country" and I instantly fell in love with them! Their indy sound is gentle and sweet... and well, Just watch!!
Love and Huggs!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
What I've been up to.
This week has been rather busy.
Friends over, parties. This summer has been AMAZING! One of the best yet, I'll say.
But! moving on, here's a few of the projects I have been working on.
A few weeks ago, I spent quite a few days out in the summer heat in long skirts picking blackberries. And might I say, I found out very quickly that Blackberries are a lot more dangerous than strawberries! lol.
But yesterday, mom finally had time to help me make jam out of them.
Sorry for the quality on this one....
Next though, I rearanged my room and have started decorating a bit. I've started taking down the medieval fantasy things and putting up more of my Victorian.
It all looked so quaint and old fashioned when I was done that I had to show it off!
My endtable here is one of those with a cloth cover and a glass top... you can get them practically anywhere. For a while I've had some medieval things under the glass, but yesterday, I printed some pictures I had saved back, simply for inspiration, and with that and some of the flowers I pressed this spring I have a new inspiring table!
It's so nice to look up at night when I'm reading and see all these pretty victorian pictures!
I'm going to print more and put them in frames around my room. and I'm hoping to get some new prints from garage sales soon.
Well! There's more to come, I'm at the library for a good long time today.
Love and Huggs!!
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Some Splainin
Well it seems I have missed Anne week.... *Cries*
I have been putting together posts and getting ready, but just couldn't get near the internet...
So here I am! At the library.. finally, but with no time to post them all... I will though!
Here's a sneak preview.
Anyways, life is going along loverly!
Our youth has decided to host another "Old timer's day" at the end of August. Well that set my mind Reeling! At first I wanted a new Edwardian dress, but instead (and to save on doing that AND this) I chose to do a Civil war dress, and do it as authentically as possible. I had already contacted the lovely folk at the Sense and Sensibility pattern forum about Simplicity 7212 which I own, but after deliberation decided to go wit their suggestion of Simplicity 4551 I ordered my material from Abraham's lady, the "Pink-red Rose" (it came today!!! yays!!), and well now I'm here to order the pattern.
And Marmee's waiting so I better get back to it.
Love and huggs!!!!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Sunday style

- #believe in Sherlock (1)
- 1910's (3)
- 1911 long line corset (1)
- 1940's (2)
- 50's dress (1)
- 62 (1)
- amish country (1)
- answers for dry skin (1)
- Avonlea (1)
- Baptism (1)
- Basket quilt (2)
- Birthday (1)
- book review (2)
- bug (1)
- butterick 4790 (1)
- Casual (1)
- Chickens (2)
- Christmas tree (1)
- Civil War dress (1)
- crochet (1)
- Dad (1)
- Darling (1)
- downton abbey inspired (2)
- Easter (1)
- endurance (1)
- Farm (1)
- Favourite blog (1)
- firewood (1)
- Flowers (2)
- Fort (1)
- Friends (1)
- Garden (6)
- Gmo free seeds (2)
- guest post (1)
- gutenberg.com (1)
- handspun yarns (1)
- Hat (1)
- Homemaking (1)
- Homespun Treadler (1)
- Houswife Tips (1)
- How tall am I? (1)
- Jewelry (1)
- kindle (1)
- King (1)
- lady weaver (3)
- Little Bit (1)
- log cabin school house (1)
- Logan's Station (1)
- Maid to match (1)
- Mason Rotary (1)
- Memory song (1)
- millinery (1)
- New Dress (2)
- new empire day dress (1)
- new name (1)
- occupational hazzards (1)
- Olde Town Engine show (1)
- Ouch (1)
- Our Generation Summit (2)
- past patterns 5068 (2)
- past patterns 5462 (1)
- Perryville (1)
- photoshoot (3)
- polka dot splendour (2)
- Question (2)
- questions (1)
- Questions (1)
- radio (1)
- regency (1)
- rocking horse farm (1)
- rose center (2)
- Roses (1)
- Sahd (2)
- sewing (3)
- skype (1)
- spinning (2)
- spring (1)
- Stockings (1)
- tea (1)
- Tipton-Haynes (1)
- Titus 2 (1)
- Twenty (1)
- Update (1)
- Vacation (1)
- Valentine's (2)
- victorian boot (1)
- Vintage (2)
- Visit (1)
- Washing machine (1)
- winter (1)